Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week 3: Object-Oriented Programming

I have learned the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) through Python. Object Oriented is a way that has data and method, which can be written in the form of class. There is a difference between Object-Oriented Programming and Procedural programming. OOP creates objects that have data and methods. Procedural programming is only focus on function that can operate the data. The OOP is base on the Superclass Object. Every method is inherited from the Superclass. In the words of Danny, Superclass Object is just like the ancestor. Every New Class has inherited basic built-in method from the Superclass Object. New Class has to be defined by the key words class that is the signal for declaring the class. Name __init___ is the initializer method. This is the initialization for the class. It is usual to choose self as parameters.